Help students progress and master speech skills and pronunciation. Find inside 60 tongue twisters to practice W, V, B, P, M, L, L and R blends (BL, BR, FL, FR, GL, GR), T, TH, S, SH, N, R sounds. Perfect practice for ELA, ESL or SPEECH. Very suitable for literacy center, paired activity, independent work, fast finishers that need to be challenged!
What results do teachers see after using Tonguetwisters Wheels?
- "A fun activity that students will enjoy! Lots of different options and easy to use and understand!" - Dawn
- "This is a fun resource! I've never seen so many tongue twisters in one place. I had a few technical issues with the cutting of the viewing window affecting the ability of the pin to stay in place, but eventually figured it out. Thanks!" - Kristen
- "I loved using this with my class! Very helpful and engaging." - Barbara
- "This is going to make a fun addition to our Tongue Twisters unit--especially for my ELD kiddos." - Cyndi
- "This is a great "they'll never see this coming" activity for my middle schoolers when we get back from Thanksgiving, thank you!" - Stephanie
- "As a speech therapist I am so glad to have found this resource! It is engaging and fun and the kids are going to love it! Thanks for sharing!" - Kelly
- "Using this for my chorus. They love me spinning the wheel to see which one we are learning this week. Thanks!" - Dee
- "I love using tongue twisters in my ESL lessons, so thank you for this lovely activity!"
- "Love this! We do a joke of the day in my classroom, so this will fit right in! Thank you! : )"
- "This is such a fun activity to practice tongue twisters! Students will love reading them, and will be great practice. Thanks for providing them in colored and black/white options. :)"

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What sounds are practiced in the tongue twisters?
labeled wheels: 3 colorful wheels to practice
- sound P
- sound B
- sound W
- sound V
- sound L
- sound M
- L and R blends (BL, BR, FL, FR, GL, GR)
- sound T
- sound R
- sound N
- sound S
- sounds SH and S
- sound TH
colorful wheels with mystery sounds
- sounds CH / SH
- sounds TH / TH*
- sounds F / FL / FR
- sounds B / BL / BR
- sounds PL
- sounds T / TH / TH*
- sounds S / SH
- sounds CL / CR
- sounds L / N
- sound S
- sound M
- sound N
- sound W
- sound J
- sound Y
- sound Z

Watch the video to see the wheels in action.
The black and white version is available.