Practice and read phonics with these Fall boardgames. Kids will enjoy reading long A, E, I, O, U words with these word families printables. Use with children in preschool, kindergarten and first grade.
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What word families are practiced?
- long A word families (-ace, -ade, -age, -aid, -ail, -ain, -ane, -ake, -ame, -ase, -ape, -ate, -ay, -ave, -aze)
- long E word families (-eat, -eak, -eek, -eal, -eap, -ean, -eam, -ee, -eed, -eel, -een, -eep, -eet)
- long I and U word families (-ice, -ide, -ile, -ike, -ime, -ine, -ie, -ife, -ipe, -ire, -ite, -ive, -ude, -ue, -ute)
- long O word families (-oach, -oad, -oal, -oat, -oast, -obe, -ode, -oke, -ole, -one, -ope, -ose, -ote, -ow, -own)
The description how to use each of 4 board games is included!