Need quick noprep worksheets to use in February? February topics like penguins, polar bears, arctic animals, Valentine's Day, Groundhog Day, President's Day, flowers, winter activities will for sure make learning fun and engaging! 25 pages of pages to use as literacy centers!
Number of pages: 25
Common Core Standards addressed: RF.K.1d, RF.K.2a, RF.K.2b, RF.K.2c, RF.K.2d, RF.K.2e, RF.K.3, RF.K.3b, RF.1.2a, RF.1.2c, RF.1.3a, RF.1.3c, W.K.1, W.K.2, W.K.3, W.1.1, W.1.2, W.1.3, L.K.1f, L.K.2, L.K.2a, L.1.1e, L.1.4c, L.2.2c
Grade Levels: PreK, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, Homeschool

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What February activities are included:
My Lovely Balloon
(cut and paste the matching upper case and lower case letters)
what you'll practice
upper case and lower case letters
Write Letters
(write the missing letters of the alphabet)
what you'll practice
Spin Words
(spin 2 spinners and choose between a real or a silly word)
what you'll practice
short A,O,I,U,E word families; long A,O,I,U word families; blends and digraphs
Find a Rhyme
(read CVC and CVCe words and find rhymes on polar bears and whales, then color)
what you'll practice
CVC and CVCe words
My Valentine
(cut and Paste matching word and contractions)
what you'll practice
How Many Syllables
(read valentine themed words and count syllables, color according to directions)
what you'll practice
Valentine's Day vocabulary
Sort Verbs
(read verbs and write them in the right column (present, past or future))
what you'll practice
Sentence or Not
(read lines and dab the variant where which has a complete sentence)
what you'll practice
Write Sentences
what kids will write about:
- groundhogs have / can / are;
- arctic foxes have / can / are;
- whales have / can / are;
- penguins have / can / are;
- polar bears have / can / are
Writing prompts
what kids will write about:
- If I were a groundhog…;
- If I were Cupid…
and more
Dab the Words
(read February themed word and dab plural nouns)
what you'll practice
February vocabulary

These printables could be used as morning work, homework, literacy center activities, or as part of a lesson plan.