Practice phonics with these Thanksgiving activities - dress up the turkeys! These printables are perfect for kids in preschool, kindergarten, first and second grade.
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Love having these hands on activities to teach phonics! - Courtney

What does this set include?
The packet contains short {A}, {O}, {E}, {I}, {U}, word families
-ab, -ack, -ad, -ag, -am, -amp, -an, -ang, -ank, -ap, -ash, -at, -ob, -ock, -od, -og, -ong, -op, -ed, -ell, -en, -end, -ent, -est, -et, -ick, -id, -ig, -ill, -ilt, -in, -ing, -ink, -ip, -it, -ub, -uck, -ug, -um, -ump, -un, -unch, -unk, -ush, -ust, -ut.
There are 46 word families to practice with 346 possible words!
How to use the set?
Print turkeys, cut them according to the lines or cut out the turkey silhouette itself. Print turkey hats and cut them out. Laminate if you want the printables to last longer.
Tell children that you’d like them to help you and ask them to put the right hats on turkeys. It’s your choice what word families you’d like to practice. On the hats there are the letters B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Qu, R, S, T, V, W, Y, Z and they will help you to build any word with a certain word family. I added Possible Words sheets to simplify your life. I have found all possible words for these word families (maybe I skipped one or two :)!
Children can “connect” a turkey with a hat using play dough, paperclip, sticker, etc.