Hey there! I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting or downloading my freebies.

I’d love to help you as much as possible, so I’ve created this page of common problems and easy solutions.

Please try all of these options before emailing me.

If you’ve tried everything here with no success, please feel free to e-mail me.  I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Common problems:

  • Not getting the e-mails with the freebies
  • Not being able to download from the e-mail

Problem 1: “I’m not getting the e-mails with the freebies.”

Unfortunately, many school IT departments place firewalls and pop-up blockers on their internet systems, e-mail systems and computers that block the e-mails with the printables. One way to deal with this is to request that your IT department whitelist: victoria@crazycharizma.com. However, they are usually unwilling to do that and/or it would take a lot of extra time.

Instead I suggest using a Gmail account or one from your personal internet provider. AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail and MSN are also known for randomly blocking e-mails. Gmail almost always arrives correctly, you may need to check your promotions tab or spam folder if you are checking on a web app or mobile device. Search your email putting my email address "victoria@crazycharizma.com" in the search box in your email.

Problem 2: “I can’t download the resource from the e-mail.”

Please reference Problem 1 if you are using a school internet connection, e-mail or computer.

If you are using a personal device, please be sure that you have any pop-up blocker turned off. It is normal for your web browser to open (and sometimes get stuck) on a blank page. This is not actually where your download is. Please check your computer’s downloads folder for the file which is almost always there.

If the button is not working, you can right-click the button, choose “copy link/URL” and paste into Chrome or your browser.