Need no prep worksheets to use on St. Patrick’s Day? Discover 33 fun and engaging pages of activities for your kids! Practice alphabet, sight words, synonyms, play with St.Patrick Day vocabulary and have fun with quick writing prompts.
Number of pages: 33
Common Core Standards addressed: RF.K.1d, RF.K.2, RF.K.3, RF.K.3c, RF.1.2a, RF.1.3c, RF.2.3a, L.K.1a, L.K.5b, L.K.5d, L.1.1e, L.1.1f, L.1.5d, L.2.1c, L.2.5b
Grade Levels: PreK, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, Homeschool

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What exactly will kids practice
- St. Patrick’s Day vocabulary
- capital and lower-case letters
- sight words
- making an acrostic poem
- synonyms
- antonyms (opposites)
- adjectives
- CVC and CVCe words
- reflexive pronouns
- regular verbs in Present and Past
- writing with prompts

18 colorful flashcards with St. Patrick’s Day vocabulary
My Wish - a discussion game
create the dice with this colorful printable, roll it and discuss situations in the class
If I were a...
If I had a...
My Lucky Hats
race the letters and write the missing capital or lower-case letters
Spin Words
spin the paperclip, read the sight word and find it, then rainbow write this word
Paste Letters
cut and paste the coins with matching letters (capital and lower lower-case letters)
Wizard of Words
make up new words from the word SHAMROCK
My Lucky Poem
write a L.E.P.R.E.C.H.A.U.N. acrostic poem
Lucky Parts
label the Leprechaun
My Charming Synonyms
read a word and find its synonym, draw a rainbow to the right cloud (available for nouns, verbs and adjectives)
My Charming Antonyms
read a word and find its antonym (opposite), draw a rainbow to the right cloud (available for verbs and adjectives)
I am a Painter
roll the dice 4 times, read and remember adjectives you get, draw a leprechaun based on these words
My Reading Shamrock
roll and read one word from the shamrock you get, color the part with the word, repeat until all shamrocks are colorful (available for CVC and CVCe words)
Lucky Photo
You caught a leprechaun when you took a photo. What was the leprechaun doing? Draw it, then tell the class.
Dab the Words
read words, use the bingo dabber to dab all the reflexive pronouns
Sort Verbs
The Leprechaun finally found his gold, but he doesn’t remember where he put it. Help him sort the verbs! Read the verbs and write them under the right pot (regular verbs in Present and Past are practiced here)
Writing Prompts
If a leprechaun had a birthday…
I am lucky when…
Would you rather be a Leprechaun or Cupid?
I found a pot of gold, but…
and other prompts.