Struggling readers no more! Help students become more comfortable with reading word families words and rhyming. This huge packet of engaging hands on phonics activities is for kids in preschool, kindergarten, first or second grade. Find inside general printables and seasonal worksheets. Use during daily 5, guided reading, spelling, literacy block, RTI, or during literacy centers.

- Phonics Centers PIANOS
- Boardgames - short vowels
- Boardgames - long vowels
- Thanksgiving Activities - short vowels
- Thanksgiving Activities - long vowels
- Winter phonics - snow globes
What does this bundle include?
Phonics Centers PIANOS
Build your pianos and engage children with these visual and kinesthetic word families activities.

How to use the set?
- as word walls. There are 45 colorful and 45 black and white pianos with word examples of the family. Print and hang!
- as a piano constructor. Tell children that you’d like them to help you and build a PIANO together! There are colorful pianos with a word family letter as well as b/w pianos. Print and laminate them (choose b/w or colorful variant). There are piano keys with words for each family (7-16 words for the family). Print, cut words on piano keys and mix them. A child should read the word on the key and connect it to the right piano (with a magnet, paperclip. sticker, etc.)
- sing the words on keys.
- as cut and paste activities.
- "Beyond amazing! interactive, visual and kinesthetic. Great for home practice too!" - Brenda
- "Such a unique product! My dyslexic students will thoroughly enjoy gaining more knowledge of word families by using an aesthetic vehicle." - Jeannette
- "Such a great fun idea. My class love it and I thank you for your hard work. This resource is very much appreciated." - Christine
- "This is a wonderful idea with lots of potential. It can be printed and created as a work station activity for word work, interactive journal activity, and Word Family Reader to name a few quick ideas. I love Sarah B.'s idea of singing the words. It would also be a great way for the music teacher to integrate ELA in her lessons with the younger children. I can't wait to use it with my class and will be adding to my Word Family Pianos Collection in the weeks ahead. Thanks for your time spent creating a great product." - Chanda
- "I have a group of students, different from my homeroom class, whom I teach for interventions and they love this activity. Whenever they get their assignments completed, they get a choice and they always want to choose this game. It is great practice and sheer enjoyment for the students so everyone wins! Thank you so much!" - Brooklyn

Short Vowels Boardgames
Practice short A, short O, short E, short I and short U words and word families with kids. These boardgames are perfect to use in fall (Halloween, Thanksgiving, leaves, forest).
- "Great material for practice and reinforcement." - Beverly
- "Super easy to laminate and use for phonics review. - Alyssa
- "Actually bought this to use at home with my daughter and she loves it!"
- "Fun way for the kids to practice short vowels!" - Nan

Long Vowels Boardgames
Practice and read phonics with these Fall boardgames. Kids will enjoy reading long A, E, I, O, U words with these word families printables.

Thanksgiving Activities - short vowels
How to use the set?
Tell children that you’d like them to help you and ask them to put the right hats on turkeys. It’s your choice what word families you’d like to practice. On the hats there are the letters B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Qu, R, S, T, V, W, Y, Z and they will help you to build any word with a certain word family. I added Possible Words sheets to simplify your life. I have found all possible words for these word families (maybe I skipped one or two :)!
Children can “connect” a turkey with a hat using play dough, paperclip, sticker, etc.

Thanksgiving Activities - long vowels
Practice phonics with these Thanksgiving activities - dress up the owls!

Winter phonics - snow globes