Sound in Google Classroom - at last! Practice CVCe words in a fun way. Kids will listen to words and build them right away. Perfect for desktop* and laptops!
Currently, the sound version in Google Classroom is not supported on iPads and tablets

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What CVCe words are practiced?
face, lace, race
bake, cake, lake, make, rake, take, wake
sale, tale
came, fame, game, name, same, tame
cane, lane
cape, tape
base, case, vase
date, gate, late, mate, rate
cave, gave, pave, save, wave
dice, mice, nice
hide, ride, side, tide, wide
bike, hike, like
file, mile, pile, tile
dime, lime, mime, time
dine, line, mine, nine, pine, vine
pipe, ripe, wipe
bite, kite
dive, five, hive
code, rode
joke, poke, woke
mole, pole
dome, home
bone, cone, zone
dose, hose, nose, pose, rose
note, tote, vote
cube, tube
dune, tune
cute, mute
fume, mule, huge

Google Classroom Activities set includes:
- Teacher Notes pdf (with the link and directions to access Google Slides)
- 99 interactive slides with moveable pieces
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These paperless activities can be used on Chromebooks, Android Tablets, iPads, laptops, smart boards and other devices. The games are perfect for kids in prek, kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. All the slides work and can be used interactively ONLY IN EDIT MODE!
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