Teaching sight words is difficult? Nope! The Journeys kindergarten sight words set is something you've been looking for. Engaging. Fun. Versatile.
What results do teachers see after using sight words typewriters?
- "Thank you for creating this bundle for the Journeys curriculum. I love that you have multiple ways to review & learn sight words that are fun; because after all kindergarten is all about the fun."
- "This is a great addition to my word work station!"
- "This is a great Daily 5 Word Work activity!"
- "Great activity. It was fun explaining what a type writer is. Lol."
- "Thank you for helping me to work smarter, not harder." - Brenda

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What sight words are practiced?
- UNIT 1: I, like, the, and
- UNIT 2: see, we, a, to, can (an extra word)
- UNIT 3: come, me, with, my, you, what, are, now
- UNIT 4: is, of, so, how, where, many, find, from, but, this, came, on, will, into, your, be, that, who, go, here, soon, for, they, up, it (an extra word)
- UNIT 5: make, them, give, play, say, new, said, was, then, good, ate, could, she, over, her, all, when, some, he, away, must, no, by, there
- UNIT 6: do, went, only, down, little, just, have, one, every, help, ask, walk, look, very, their, out, saw, put, off, our, day, take, too, show

Activities to practice each sight word:
- "Type" the word highlighting the letters.
- Brighten the word:
- color it with crayons / pencils
- paint using q-tips
- decorate using play dough and rice
- Trace the word
- Write the word
- Rainbow write the word
- Build the word
- Circle the word
- Find the rhyme
- Find it (in the word search)
- Make a sentence (under the flap)
- Find and highlight the word (on the pencil)
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