Need to get started with Google Classroom in kindergarten? Follow the step by step instructions and find out all the details on how to create a class, how to create an assignment, how to add students, how to create an announcement, and much more!

Watch the whole tutorial or/and read a post below on getting started with Google Classroom.

How do I sign in to Classroom?

You can sign in using your Personal Google account (perfect for parents, teachers without G-Suite, homeschool), G Suite account or School account.

How to create a class

Click the plus sign in the top right corner and choose Create Class.

A step by step guide how to set up your class in Google Classroom plus what activities you can use right away!

Google Classroom Basics

There are 4 main tabs at the top: Stream, Classwork, People, Grades.

Classwork tab

Here you can do many tasks such as create an assignment, create a topic, add materials, ask questions, and reuse posts.

How to create an assignment

Click the plus sign and choose Create Assignment. Choose Make a Copy for each student (this was they can make changes in their copies). If you click Assign it will be available in your class straight away (or you can schedule it for later). Also, you can set a topic to the assignment if you need.

How to create a topic

If you need to organize the assignments/questions, create various topics. Just click the plus sign and choose Create Topic.

How to add materials

Click the plus sign and choose Materials. This allows you to add all the materials to the classwork tab and organize them according to different topics.

How to ask a question

Click the plus sign and choose Create Question. I use it only for older students. We start a discussion and reflect on various topics.

People tab

This tab is about adding/removing teachers or students from your class.

How to add students

Kids should go to, click the plus sign and choose Join Class. Then they will need to insert the class code (find under People). Or you can invite them yourself by typing their names/emails or via the class code.

How to add a co-teacher

You can invite teachers by typing their email or name. If it's necessary you can leave a class as a co-teacher. If you leave a class you co-teach, you can't open it again unless re-invited.

From this tab you can easily get to Google Calendar (track assignments, questions, and events) and Class Drive folder.

Watch the video below and see what activities for Google Classroom you can use even today with your kids. Save time and paper!

Stream Tab

This section is like the feed on social media (Facebook, Instagram). Here you connect with your students.

Note: I don't really use this part with kindergarteners cause they won't be able to type the whole question or post something. But it will definitely be helpful with other kids in primary school.

How to create a post / announcement

Do you have something important to say? Create a Post or Reuse Post (you can reuse a post that you've used before). Here you can add an image, file, video, or link to your post.

How to change a theme

Click Select Theme and choose the one you like.

Grades Tab

I don't really use this tab for kindergarten students.

Settings section

Here you can change the name of your class. Also, you can see the class code, make it bigger and visual, reset or disable it.

Things to remember

  • There is no save button because changes are saved automatically.
  • If you want any packet in Google Slides to be interactive (touch and drag feature), you and students should only open it in EDIT MODE.
  • If a student deletes the slides or doc, the first thing to do is to use UNDO button.
  • Now you can see the class code directly on the Stream Tab, in the upper banner or class image.
  • If you have similar grades/classes, just copy an existing class with all the assignments and then make adjustments.
  • Use "Archive a Class" feature instead of deleting. This way you can restore an archived class if you want to use it again. Otherwise, delete a class.

Google Classroom tutorial and FAQ

  • 0:29 Where can you get the link to a Google Slides set
  • 1:12 How a teacher creates an assignment and adds a Google Slides set
  • 2:33 How a student joins a class
  • 3:22 How a student gets an assignment
  • 4:15 How a student turns in an assignment
  • 4:42 How a teacher gets the assignment that was turned in
  • 5:37 How to assign the part of a Google Slides set
  • 6:28 How to differentiate the assignment

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A step by step guide how to set up your class in Google Classroom plus what activities you can use right away!

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