Have you been struggling with teaching CVC words? You've tried everything and they won't stick? Or maybe you are searching for new ways to practice them? Look no further! Check out 7 cool ways to teach CVC words!

Have a CVC Words Hunt
- Organize a hunt for words using poems and stories in book.
- Have your students look through a newspaper and highlight CVC words.
- You can also laminate oldies (newspapers, old book pages, magazines, etc.). Give kids a magnifying glass and a dry erase marker. Have them search for CVC words. Give students paper to track how many times they find each word with tally marks.
Build Your Pianos
Use these pianos activities in many ways:
- as word walls;
- as a piano constructor. Tell children that you’d like them to help you and build a PIANO together! There are colorful pianos with a word family letter as well as b/w pianos. Print and laminate them (choose b/w or colorful variant). There are piano keys with words for each family (7-16 words for the family). Print, cut words on piano keys and mix them. A child should read the word on the key and connect it to the right piano (with a magnet, paperclip. sticker, etc.)
- sing the words on keys;
- as cut and paste activities.

Want to try? Download this freebie here.
It can be printed and created as a work station activity for word work, interactive journal activity, and Word Family Reader to name a few quick ideas. {Chanda H.}
One more fun way to teach CVC words is to use games with dice! I love them and my students always ask me to play with them!
Play Around the World Game
This one is and oldie but still really engaging! Have one student stand behind the other student and show them the card with a CVC word. Whoever says it correctly first gets to move behind the next person. If the person sitting gets it right, they stand up and the person behind them sits down. The object of the game is to make it around the world back to your original seat. Kids love it!
"Fly a Balloon" Game

Bring a balloon to the classroom, write different CVC words on it. “Fly a balloon” and ask kids to catch it. As soon as one kid catches it, he/she should read one word and then make a sentence with this word.
Use a Magic Eraser
Write CVC words on the whiteboard. Tell kids that they can use the magic eraser. But it can only erase the words you ask children to read. Try this activity. The element of magic always gets kids’ attention!
Use Interactive Activities for Google Classroom
Need tons of digital differentiated activities to practice blending and reading CVC words? Cover CVC words in word work, sentences, and fluency passages. Use in Google Slides or assign in Google Classroom.
I LOVED these resources! My students enjoyed completing them so much and I loved how comprehensive they were! Thank you so much for sharing!{Michelle Y.}
Grab CVC Word Work Bundle here.
Want to try Google Classroom in kindergarten or primary grades? Need to practice sight words, CVC words and phonics? Try interactive games on iPads, Chromebooks, tablets, laptops or the smart board!

Download free activities for Google Classroom here.
Engage Kids with Cut and Paste Activities
Need an engaging way to practice sentence building with CVC words? Just print, cut and paste! This ink-friendly set is perfect for morning work, small group, early finishers, table time, arrival activity, review, or a center activity.

Grab Sentence Building Activity here.
You can also use adapted books to teach CVC words. They are hands-on and perfect for differentiating.
- Blending CVC Words Google Classroom
- CVC Sentence Building Activity Google Classroom
- Reading Comprehension Passages Kindergarten for Google Classroom
- Phonics Intervention and Games
- Blending CVC words Pop It Activities
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