Google Classroom Activities for Kindergarten
Google Classroom. You've probably heard these 2 words a lot lately. Since schools and school districts are becoming more and more digital and paperless, I'm sure you'd love to keep up yourself.
Google Classroom. You've probably heard these 2 words a lot lately. Since schools and school districts are becoming more and more digital and paperless, I'm sure you'd love to keep up yourself.
You probably have tons of teaching resources that you created yourself or bought on TPT. You can reuse these printables in Google Slides! Find all the details about how to add pdfs to Google Slides in this blogpost.
Have you been looking for free Seesaw activities for kindergarten? These Seesaw activities are perfect for asynchronous learning, morning work, homework, centers, literacy rotations, independent practice, and much more!
So you've celebrated Valentine's Day in your classroom for so many times. You think you've tried every activity, craft or project. No way there could be something else. True? False! Let me share with you some new and tried activities for Valentine's week which are sweet and easy!
Are you looking for awesome and unique classroom decor themes? See what's trending among other teachers. We asked, they answered!
How do you teach sight words to kindergarten kids? You use interactive notebooks of course! See them in action and download for free to try yourself!
Want to try Google Classroom in kindergarten or primary grades? Download Free Google Classroom Activities. Play with interactive slides on iPads, Chromebooks, tablets.