How to add Google Slides to Seesaw
Many teachers have asked me how to add Google Slides to Seesaw so that moveable pieces could work. Here is the way!
Many teachers have asked me how to add Google Slides to Seesaw so that moveable pieces could work. Here is the way!
Have you started using Google Classroom for distance learning? You might have a lot of questions. Find all the FAQ answered in this post and video.
A step by step guide how to set up your class in Google Classroom plus what activities you can use right away! (2021 updates)
If your school is closed, you can only control the controllable. Meaning, YOU can keep students learning. Here are resources to help you in remote learning.
So you've celebrated Valentine's Day in your classroom for so many times. You think you've tried every activity, craft or project. No way there could be something else. True? False! Let me share with you some new and tried activities for Valentine's week which are sweet and easy!
Looking for fun teacher-approved ways to celebrate 100th day of school? Check out 21 new and tried ideas to use in your classroom!
Are you looking for awesome and unique classroom decor themes? See what's trending among other teachers. We asked, they answered!